“Pogledajte kako Donna i Figaro istražuju svoje novo dvorište po prvi put. Njihova je putovanje kući zahtijevalo vrijeme, novac i planiranje”, ovako su napisali volonteri iz utočišta Woodstock u sjevernom dijelu države New York uz video preslatkih zečeva koji istražuju svoju novu nastambu.
Naime, ovaj je dvojac svojim domom nazivao laboratorij za kozmetička i medicinska ispitivanja, a spasila ih je humanitarna organizacija Save The Buns.
@woodstocksanctuaryICYMI: we welcomed two new buns to the sanctuary, rescued from a research lab! Watch Donna and Figaro exploring their new yard for the first time ❤️ Their journey home took time, money and planning, and we need your help covering their vet and boarding bills. Before arriving at the sanctuary, Donna and Figaro needed to see a vet. This was likely the first time they’d seen a vet, and we needed to ensure they were both healthy enough to be housed in the rabbit barn. We also had to provide short-term boarding for them while we prepared onsite. Rabbits are sensitive and social animals, and they can be very particular about their friendships. We boarded them with our friends at Reenies Rabbit Rescue to ensure they had a safe space to socialize and adjust while we prepared for them here. Please donate to their vet and boarding bills! 🐰 ❤️ For these little survivors, all the hard work is worth it — look at Donna and Figaro exploring their yard! Even though Donna and Figaro are safe, we still have to catch up on the costs we incurred getting them here. 💌 Please give today, here or on Venmo at Woodstock-Sanctuary.♬ Gentle and warm background piano(1262846) – Noru
“Ovo je vjerojatno bio prvi put da su vidjeli veterinara i morali smo se uvjeriti da su oboje dovoljno zdravi da ih smjestimo u staju za kuniće”, stoji u opisu videa koji je rastopio mnoge.
Iz utočišta ističu da su kunići sada dobro, ali da je riječ o osjetljivim i društvenim životinjama koje s oprezom stječu povjerenje ljudi.
A kako i ne bi kada su dio svog života proveli u nehumanim uvjetima.